Sunday, 25 April 2021

The wind was still blowing from the northeast. There was a very high tide on Solfach and a large flock of juvenile Herring Gulls were busy feeding in the seaweed with four Black-headed Gulls also present. The flock of 42 Purple Sandpipers remains elusive around the narrows but were seen this morning by Stuart. 13 Dunlin, the highest count so far this year, were recoded on Solfach. Also on Solfach was a Common Sandpiper and four Ringed Plovers.

Common Sandpiper

The first Yellow Wagtail of the year was seen on the Narrows first thing was present throughout the day around the Ty Pellaf fields. Hirundine passage is steadily increasing with 32 Sand Martins, 54 Swallows and 18 House Martins. A total of six Sedge Warblers were seen across the island today including two singing in the Ty Pellaf reedbed.

Sedge Warbler

Birds today: four Fulmars, 19 Manx Shearwaters, 29 Gannets, one Grey Heron, one Sparrowhawk, one Merlin, four Ringed Plovers, 13 Dunlins, 32 Whimbrels, two Curlews, two Common Sandpipers, six Turnstones, four Black-headed Gulls, three Collared Doves, 32 Sand Martins, 54 Swallows, 18 House Martins, one Yellow Wagtail, four White Wagtails, 26 Wheatears, six Sedge Warblers, three Whitethroats, 14 Blackcaps, six Chiffchaffs, 17 Willow Warblers, two Greenfinches, two Siskins, 26 Goldfinches, five Lesser Redpolls

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