Tuesday 4 April 2023

Southerly wind overnight produced a good fall today, with birds focused mainly around Nant. A minimum of 432 Willow Warblers were present across the island with 350 at Nant alone. 87 Chiffchaffs and 12 Blackcaps were also recorded  however, Goldcrest numbers were low with only five. The first Grasshopper Warbler of the year was heard at Nant along with a Collared Dove and a Swallow. The first guided walk of the year was headlined by 10 Puffins and two White Wagtails. The only other birds of note were four Redshanks, two Siskins and four Lesser Redpolls.

Ringing was extremely successful with a total of 240 birds caught! This included an astonishing 178 Willow Warblers along with 46 Chiffchaffs, 11 Blackcaps, three Goldcrests and a Lesser redpoll.

Willow Warbler © Ed Betteridge

An attempt to dazzle birds this evening in rather bright conditions produced a Purple Sandpiper and a Snipe. However, the highlight was two Jack Snipes on the Narrows, the first of the year, unfortunately they both evaded capture.

Jack Snipe through the thermal © Ed Betteridge

The moth trap was put out for the first time last night producing a Clouded Drab, three Hebrew Characters, a Common Quaker and two Red Chestnuts.

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