Wednesday 12 April 2023

The stormy seas were churning up the marine life in Solfach and attracted a flock of 100+ Gulls including a 2nd year Common Gull. Around the Narrows there was a high count of 177 Oystercatchers which included a colour ringed bird from Exe Estuary seen here last spring. Other waders included a Redshank, a Curlew and two Whimbrels.

Warblers were thin of the ground in todays winds and included just a single Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler. However, Meadow Pipits were more plentiful with 210 across the Island. 

Common Gull © Ed Betteridge

Two colour ringed Herring Gulls ringed in 2020 © Ed Betteridge

Stormy weather on the Narrows today! © Ed Betteridge

Yet again, the evening was spent lamping. The highlight, was a Short-eared Owl seen in the Wetlands. Two Purple Sandpipers, two Oystercatchers and a Meadow Pipit were trapped and ringed. 

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