Tuesday 11 April 2023

Today was largely a wash out as heavy downpours accompanied by strong winds dominated the day, creating the Bardsey speciality of 'sideways' rain! As a result, the migrants of note were a Chaffinch, six Chiffchaffs, four Willow Warblers, three White Wagtails, a Whimbrel, a Curlew, three Redshanks, a Purple Sandpiper, and 20 Gannets off the West Coast. 

Sorting out newly purchased rings - should be sorted for the year! © Ollie King

The majority of the day was spent inputting further ringing data, as there's a lot to catch up on with the recent large catches (not that we're complaining!). In the evening, Ed went out in the howling winds lamping, and saw a Snipe and a Jack Snipe in the Wetlands. 

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