Sunday 9 April 2023

The winds continued to blow from the South-east, and increased in strength today. There was small amount of migratory movement recorded as the first two Common Sandpipers and Sandwich Terns of the year were sighted, alongside seven Blackcaps, 21 Chiffchaffs, 18 Willow Warblers, six Goldcrests, a Merlin over the Narrows, two Ringed Plovers on Solfach, 10 Purple Sandpipers, five Snipes, two Whimbrels, and four Turnstones

Male Blackcap  © Ollie King

Hirundines trickled through in low numbers with three Sand Martins, five Swallows and a House Martin, whilst White Wagtail numbers increased to eight. Finches also moved through in small numbers with a Siskin, two Goldfinches and 21 Linnets

Always a good end to a day with one of these! © Ollie King

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