Saturday 6 May 2023

Calm day resulted in an arrival of birds around the Island. The first Yellow Wagtail of the year was on Solfach along with three Sanderling, a Common Sandpiper, seven Turnstones and five Dunlins. A further eight Whimbrels were around the Narrows and South End. 

Sanderling © Ed Betteridge

Hirundines showed a marked increase with 10 Sand Martins, 65 Swallows and 12 House Martins. With Warblers totally six Sedge Warblers, four Whitethroat, eight Blackcap, six Chiffchaffs, seven Willow Warblers and a Garden Warbler that was caught in the Heligoland. There were three Spotted Flycatchers, 24 Lesser Redpolls and 22 Goldfinches also around today.

Most Shags have now laid their eggs however, this one had a huge chick and was well ahead of the rest © Ed Betteridge

Kittiwake  © Ed Betteridge

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