Wednesday 12 July 2023

Last night the Assistants went round the East Side to ring Manx Shearwaters above Seal Cave, where there is a high density of their burrows. We managed to ring 370 birds, and retrap 30, the highest total this year by a clear margin and likely the most done in a night for quite some time! 

Male Stonechat ringed at Cristin © Ed Betteridge

Migrant-wise there was little of note bar for a Curlew, six Black-headed Gulls, and two Sand Martins. Linnet numbers have reached 31 across the Island. The afternoon was spent recording the measurements of Manx Shearwater chicks as part of the chick growth project. There's a range of sizes in chicks, as some of the earliest hatched birds are now looking quite large, whilst some are freshly hatched and other are still yet to hatch!

Manxie chick, about a day or two old! © Ollie King

Manxie chick enjoying a clump of Thrift © Ollie King

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