Thursday 13 July 2023

Last night we led a Manx Shearwater and Storm Petrel ringing walk, which starts with a talk about their life-history and then head out to the North End, where we showed guests both species and how we ring them. In total, we caught 20 Storm Petrels (17 ringed, three retrapped). 

Storm Petrel © Ollie King

The distinctive underwing of a Storm Petrel © Ollie King

Birds continue to trickle through on their return migration, some failed breeders moving to wintering grounds already whilst we're starting to see some juveniles move through with adults. This is visible with Curlews, as the juveniles are shorter billed and in pristine condition, whilst the adults look relatively tatty as most are in some stage of wing moult. A total of 13 was seen across the Island today, alongside a Whimbrel, two Sand Martins, and five Starlings

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