Friday 21 July 2023

Light northerlies continued to waft through the Island, which resulted in fairly little migratory action. The first few returning Willow Warblers were seen today, with three sighted at Nant. The juveniles look very smart in their fresh lemony-yellow plumage, as they work their way back to West Africa. Aside from some light Phylloscopus action, other migrants included a Sparrowhawk and two Blackcaps at Nant. 

Willow Warbler © Ollie King

Head to head © Ollie King

The calm conditions and sunshine made for a good day for Lepidoptera, with two Hummingbird Hawk-moths, three Large Whites, 11 Green-veined Whites, 21 Red Admirals, a Painted Lady, two Small Tortoiseshells, two Graylings, and 26 Meadow Browns all recorded.

Grayling at Nant © Ollie King

Grayling at Nant © Ollie King

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