Friday 28 July 2023

There was not much coverage today, due to a lack of staff on the island. Census didn't take place until afternoon, but a few signs of migration were noted.

Offshore about 3000 Manx Shearwaters headed south in 30 minutes from 1800-1830. The passage did not end before I left, so many more will have passed the island. A juvenile Mediterranean Gull flew south ahead of a nasty squall late afternoon. 

Four Willow Warblers were at Cristin during the day, but little els in the way of migrants, though the first Sparrowhawk for some time was seen over Plas 

Juvenile Willow Warbler

On the beach wader passage is increasing with nine Turnstones, four Sanderlings and a Dunlin on the strand-line, 14 Curlews and four Redshanks on Carreg yr Honwy. 

Sanderling and Dunlin

A Common Sandpiper was on the rocks and two Ringed Plovers hid amongst the kelp

Common Sandpiper

The Shelduck family of seven young and parents were still doing well in Solfach.

Six of the seven Shelduck chicks with mum

This is the first time for many years Shelducks have reared young to this size.

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